Houston Treasures

Ron Stone (in memoriam)


Photo by: Gittings

tudor bobby phoebeBobby Tudor serves as the Founder, Chairman and CEO of Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co. LLC, a leading energy investment bank with offices in Houston, New York and London. Tudor was previously a partner with Goldman Sachs & Co. During his nearly 20-year career with the investment banking firm, Tudor worked in the New York, London and Houston offices. Tudor holds a BA in English and Legal Studies from Rice University and a JD from Tulane Law School.

Mr. Tudor is very active in the community, currently serving as President of the Houston Symphony Society and the President of the Board of the United Way of the Texas Gulf Coast. He is a member of the Rice University Board of Trustees, where he is co-chairing the Centennial Campaign, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Board of Visitors, Houston Public Library Foundation Board, among numerous others, and is former President of the Board of the Society of the Performing Arts. He serves on the National Petroleum Council and the Board of Deltic Timber Corporation.

Phoebe Tudor is an active community volunteer. She earned her B.A. in Art History from the University of Virginia, and an MS in Historic Preservation from Columbia University. She is the founding Chairman of the Julia Ideson Library Preservation Partners which is a $32 million renovation project Houston’s oldest library. She is the Vice Chairman of the Houston Archeological and Historical Commission, and serves on the boards of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Houston Ballet, Greater Houston Preservation Alliance, Hermann Park Conservancy, and Teach for America, among others.

Mrs. Tudor has been inducted into the March of Dimes “Hall of Fame” for Best Dressed honorees, and named as a “Woman of Distinction” by the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America. She will be honored at the “Hats Off to Mothers” luncheon in 2011. Together the Tudors were named Outstanding Community Volunteer Fundraisers by the Association of Fundraising Professionals in 2009, honored by Rice Design Alliance at the gala celebrating philanthropy in 2009, and received the Rice University Meritorious Service Award in 2010. Together the Tudors have chaired many events and raised millions of dollars for the charities they support.

The Tudors are high school sweethearts from Louisiana, and have three wonderful children.

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