The Social Book Celebrates Warner Roberts' "Houston's Ten Most Beautiful"-Fall 2023
Definitions of Beauty:
Margaret Wolfe Hungerford: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”
Benjamin Franklin: “Beauty, like supreme dominion, is but supported by opinion.”
Shakespeare: “Beauty is bought by judgment of the eye.”
John Keats: “A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Its loveliness increases. It will never pass into nothingness.
Khalil Gibran: “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart!”
My Mother and Yours: “Beauty is as beauty does.”
I define beauty as the ability to spread joy, lift spirits, encourage and inspire, and we measure it by service to mankind. With that definition in mind, we present 10 Most Beautiful Houstonians who are not only physically captivating; they make our city more beautiful. I am excited to present this article on Laurette Veres’ publication INSIDE HOUSTON and Scott Evans’ website SocialBook.com

Ann Ayre
Photo by Gittings
Ann is the owner and director of PTO Legal Search, Ltd., and as such partners with law firms and in-house legal departments nationwide to recruit attorneys to fill specialized personnel needs. A cellist during her youth, her love of classical music continues as a supporter of the arts. Ann believes it is important for everyone, especially children, to experience the enrichment music can bring to life. Dedicated to the Houston Symphony, she is a member of the Young Associates Council and served a two-year term as the chair of the YAC Steering Committee. She is a Board member of the Houston Symphony League, Special Events Committee, Collector’s Auction Committee and the Houston Symphony Legacy Society. She and husband, Jonathan, chaired the Houston Symphony Wine and Collector’s Auction. Ann is a Trustee of the Moores School of Music Moores Society, and she has co-chaired its Music Concerto Competition.

Lara Bell
Photo by Gittings
With a background in television production, promotion, product placement, marketing and sales, Lara has moved easily into the role of publisher & editor of SWOON Media, LLC. Her community service work is a major part of her life. She serves on the Board of KidsMeals and 100 Women of Memorial. She is a member of the National Charity League, The Children’s Museum, The Houston Ballet Guild, Houston Symphony, The Houston Polo Club, Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo’s Trailblazer and Ranch Rodeo Committee and the Junior League of Houston. She has chaired and co-chaired innumerable charitable events, and her efforts have resulted in raising millions of dollars for Houston charitable organizations. In recent months she co-chaired Cattle Baron’s Ball, which raised over one million dollars for the American Cancer Society. She and husband, Brent Milam, have two children, daughter, Dylan and son, Brooks.

Ben Berg
Photo by Gittings
Ben Berg has, with seemingly lightning speed, established himself as Houston’s human dynamo restaurateur with his Berg Hospitality Group. Within a few short years, Berg Hospitality boasts, under its impressive umbrella, The Annie Cafe & Bar, Turners, B & B Butchers, B.B. Lemon, B.B. Italia Bistro & Bar, Trattoria Sofia, NoPo Cafe, Market & Bar, Benny Chows, Emilia’s Havana and The Ranch Saloon & Steakhouse, a first ever pop up high-end restaurant at The Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. During Hurricane Harvey Berg opened B & B Butchers to feed First Responders and for several years has continued to feed First Responders on Labor Day. During the Covid pandemic, Berg Hospitality hosted several drive-through barbeque fundraisers for his restaurant staff. Again this month, to observe National First Responder’s Appreciation Day, Berg Hospitality and his crew hosted all on-duty Responders to a complimentary 3-course meal during lunch.

Elsie Eckert
Photo by Gittings
Elsie Eckert is the founder of Elsie Smith & Associates, Inc., a Graphic Design & Branding firm. Her philanthropic mantra began in childhood when she accompanied her mother every week to volunteer at the Salvation Army, the County Children’s Home or at the church. She became a founding and lifetime member of BRASS, (Baylor Research Advocates for Student Scientists) to support student scientists with scholarships and funding. Elsie has Co-chaired Texas Children’s Cancer Center’s Celebration of Champions “Runway for a Cure” luncheon since its inception 15 years ago. She is a Director/Board Member for the City of Houston’s BARC Foundation, as well as other organizations. Elsie acknowledges that it would never be possible for her to serve the community without the support of husband, Les

Michelle "C.C." Ensell
Photo by Gittings
Michelle “C.C.” Ensell is a third-generation Houstonian, and she and husband, Scott “Duke” are passionate about supporting organizations that are impactful in the community. She is a Board member of Best Buddies and The Heritage Society, Trustee for Houston Grand Opera, major supporter of Stages Repertory Theatre, Alley Theatre, Performing Arts Houston, Houston Ballet, Hobby Center, Theatre Under The Stars, Citizens for Animal Protection, Houston Museum of Natural Science, Houston Zoo, Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, Space Center Houston, Shriner’s Hospital and others. Her service includes chairing numerous events or working as a member of many auction committees. The Ensells have a blended family of four: Brandon, Grayson, Jordyn, Dylan and grandchildren Liam and Levi,

Marilu Garza
Photo by Al Torres Photography
Marilu Garza is an accomplished fundraising professional who has an extensive history of working with non-profit organizations. Currently, she is the Chief Development Officer for Seven Acres Jewish Senior Care Services. In the past, she has served as Chief Development Officer for the Center for Pursuit and as Director of Development at the Chinquapin Preparatory School. Marilu’s volunteer efforts are multitudinous. She currently serves on the boards of the following organizations: TEACH, American Leadership Forum and the American Cancer Society. She is an advisory board member of the Latin Women’s Initiative. She has previously served as the chair of the Hispanic Advisory Committee for Spring Branch Independent School District and an Executive Member of VICTORY. She is so proud of her daughter, Melisa Olsen, and grandchildren, Summer and Luke.

Christine Johnson
Photo by Gittings
Christine Johnson is a native Houstonian, a proud Texas Aggie and proud mom to two Texas Aggie daughters, Taylor and Hollianne. Committed to creating unforgettable experiences has driven her 30 years of success as an accomplished marketing and media professional, implementing competing brand and revenue-building strategies through the orchestration of high-profile initiatives for global brands, such as CBS Radio, Nabisco and Pillsbury. Christine is a founding member of the Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce and the Grimes County True Blue Foundation. She and husband, Steve, created and oversee the annual Sunshine Kids John Walton Memorial Ride. Christine has served as Gala Chair for the Houston Fire Fighters Rotary Home, Helping a Hero, The Women’s Fund, Houston Achievement Place, the Escape Family Resource Center and many others. She is a 20-year volunteer with the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo.

Samantha Kennedy
Photo by Gittings
Samantha Kennedy is a Managing Director for the Private Bank of America where she works with net-worth families on all aspects of their wealth planning. Giving back to the community has always been a top priority. When a friend introduced her to The Mission of Yahweh, a homeless shelter for women and children, she volunteered in various capacities before chairing The Mission Gala in 2013. Thereafter, she served on the Board of Directors for many years and presently serves on the Advisory Board. This month, she co-chaired The Mission’s “Leaders & Legends” gala, which has broken all previous records. Also, Samantha is currently serving on the Board of Directors of The March of Dimes. She is a frequent volunteer for the Girl Scouts. She and husband, David, have two daughters, Amelia and Annabelle, and often enjoy volunteering at their schools.

Roslyn Bazzelle Mitchell
Photo by Gittings
Roslyn Bazzelle Mitchell is the Founder and Managing Attorney of RBM Law Group which she formed to provide personalized legal services. She is a frequent speaker on corporate real estate and intellectual property. Along with her friend, Kimberly Phipps-Nichol, Roslyn created RoKi Designs, which specializes in custom silk scarves and fashionable re-purposed products made from vintage luxury materials with a benefit for non-profits. She serves on the Boards of Hermann Park Conservancy, CREW (Commercial Real Estate Women), The Downtown Group; and she volunteers for Texas Accountants and Lawyers for the Arts. and the Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program. Soon, she will chair the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture Concert and next year the Houston Ballet’s “Raising the Barre” dinner.

Leila Perrin
Photo by Gittings
Leila Perrin retired in 2020 after serving 21 years as regional vice president of marketing for the Better Business Bureau of Greater Houston and South Texas. where she was responsible for increasing public awareness and visibility for the 8,000 accredited businesses in an 18-county Bureau service area. For the past decade, she has devoted much of her energy, expertise, dedication, resources and love to serve Houston’s charitable and civic communities. Currently, she is a Board Member and Executive VP of the Houston Symphony League, Board member of the American Cancer Society and the Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce; she serves on the Advisory Board of The Women’s Home and is the Nominating Committee Chair for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation. Previous board positions include Board President of Passages for Women, Inc. and Board member of Bo’s Place. She is also a 52-year member of the Junior League Houston. Leila has chaired and co-chaired innumerable charitable events and has been honored for her service many times.