Event Date: May 5, 2023
Location: Hilton Americas-Houston
Event: Luncheon, Fashion Show + Marketplace
Beneficiary: Latin Women’s Initiative
No. in attendance: 1,000
Money Raised: $500,000
Honorary Chair: Marianellys Noble
Chairpersons: Vicky Dominguez and Jolene Trevino
Emcee: Daniella Guzman
Entertainment: University of Houston Moores School of Music Mariachi Pumas and Segundo Barrio Children’s Chorus
Photography: Daniel Ortiz and Jacob Power
Olé for the Sold-Out Latin Women’s Initiative Luncheon and Fashion Show
The ballroom at Hilton Americas Houston was filled with 1,000 fashionistas and patterns of “florals, florals, florals” for the 21st annual Latin Women’s Initiative Luncheon, Fashion Show and Marketplace. Chairs Vicky Dominguez and Jolene Trevino and the LWI Board President Vicki Luna set the pace and gave guests an excited “bienvenida” to a day of lively happenings.
The early morning marketplace was first on the agenda, where buyers packed the foyer outside the ballroom to procure some trendy and coveted merchandise. They were greeted by the University of Houston Moores School of Music Mariachi Pumas, along with Segundo Barrio Children’s Chorus.
The luncheon began with remarks from Emcee Daniella Guzman, who, after a “delicioso” lunch was served, introduced the Tootsies fashion show featuring contemporary Latin American designer Sandra Weil, whose Mexico City-based fashion brand drew raves from the audience. Fashion producer Lenny Matuszewski created an electrifying Latin-music runway show featuring a Mayan temple backdrop emblazoned on large L-E-D screens.
An award was presented to Honorary Chair Marianellys Noble, whose rousing remarks on the importance of LWI in the community were inspiring. Zadok Jewelers, acclaimed for their beautiful Post Oak establishment, donated a stunning diamond necklace for the organization’s raffle. Owner Helene Zadok formally presented the gift to the winner on stage. A tequila toast closed out the afternoon’s festivities.
With over $500,000 raised, this annual gathering was the most successful in the organization’s history. Over the previous two decades, support for this event has provided critical services to Houston’s Latino community. Felicidades!
Socially present (not previously mentioned): Fady Armanious, Ceron, Rosi and Jorge Hernandez, Trini Mendenhall, Marilu Garza, Leisa Holland-Nelson Bowman, Jessica Rossman, Gloria Bounds, Chree Boydstun, Olga and Gerald Balboa, Kara McCullers, Nina Altuve, Kat Pressly, Gilbert Garcia, Jan Mendenhall, Marcie Mir, Beckie Mir, Sippi Khurana, Paula Harris, Roland Garcia, Isela and Juan Garcia, Monica and Joaquin Jimenez, Rebecca Reyes and Michele Leal